Marcos Gonzalez, acceptance speech of the prize Religious Freedom Awards 2019

Professor Marcos González, Prof. Religious Freedom Law Autonomous University of Madrid, receiving his award said that “It is with pride that I accept this award as it has already been given to great professors…“. He also pointed out that “in Spain more and more churches are seen in the cities and this headquarters [of the[…]

Adoracion Castro Jover – acceptance speechof the prize Religious Freedom Awards 2019

Full Professor Adoracion Castro Jover, emphasized that “It is a paradox that an award must be given for the defense of religious freedom in a democracy…” and that “We must continue to fight for the [religious] minorities who still do not find the space they deserve in Spain.” Completing her presentation and thanks, she reflected on[…]

Miguel Angel Aguilar – acceptance speech of the prize Religious Freedom Awards 2019

The State Prosecutor Miguel Ángel Aguilar, possibly one of the most reknowned persons in Spain for his work and knowledge on discrimination and hate crimes, in his prize acceptance speech expressed that he was particularly “concerned with the hate speech through social media”… “there are messages aimed at promoting hate, discrimination, hostility and some times[…]

Adoración Castro Jover – discurso de aceptación del galardón Religious Freedom Awards 2019

La Catedrática Adoración Castro Jover, resaltaba que “Es una paradoja que se tenga que dar un premio por la defensa de la libertad religiosa en una democracia…” y que “Hay que seguir luchando de las minorías [religiosas] que todavía no encuentran el espacio que merecen en España.” Finalizando su exposición y agradecimientos reflexionaba sobre lo[…]

Miguel Angel Aguilar – Discurso de aceptación del galardón Religious Freedom Awards 2019

El Fiscal Miguel Ángel Aguilar, posiblemente una de las personas más reconocidas en España por su labor y conocimiento sobre los delitos de odio y discriminación, en su discurso de agradecimiento por el galardón apuntó que le preocupaba particularmente respecto a la libertad religiosa “el discurso de odio a través de las redes sociales”… “hay[…]

A Public Prosecutor and Two Professors Receive the 2019 Religious Freedom Awards organized by the Church of Scientology and its Foundation.

Este viernes se hizo entrega de la 6ª edición de los Premios de Libertad Religiosa en España Madrid, 6 September 2019. The three awardees at the Religious Freedom Awards event were two specialists in Ecclesiastical State Law (Constitutional Law on Religious Freedom) and probably the most active prosecutor in all Spain (if not in Europe)[…]

Un fiscal y dos profesores reciben los premios de libertad religiosa 2019 que organiza la Iglesia de Scientology y su fundación

Este viernes se hizo entrega de la 6ª edición de los Premios de Libertad Religiosa en España Madrid, 6 de septiembre 2019. Tuvo entre los premiados a dos especialistas en Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado (Ley Orgánica de Libertad Religiosa) y la persona que es quizás el fiscal más relevante en toda España (si no en[…]

Jews abused, spat on in Munich anti-Semitic attacks

From HRWF.NET – DW (07.08.2019)– Jewish groups say anti-Semitic attacks are happening with increasing frequency in Bavaria. The latest incidents follow several recent high profile cases in other German cities. Jewish people in Munich suffered two anti-Semitic attacks within days of each other, police and a Jewish group announced on Tuesday. On Saturday, a rabbi[…]

Premiados 2018 – V Edición de los Religious Freedom Awards

Presentamos a los Galardonados y su representación, de la V Edición de los Religious Freedom Awards en el 2018 Las personas galardonadas en esta IV Edición son: Prof. Dr. Eugenia Relaño Pastor, Profesora de Derecho Eclesiastico del Estado y actual researcher en el Instituto de Antropología Social del Mak Planck Institute. Prof. Dr. Miguel Rodríguez[…]

Hungary: When the law and force is used to harm citizens instead of protecting them

Shockingly enough (or not), it gives the impression some Hungarian officials are on a run to become the most hated anti-religious people in Europe. In order to achieve that, they have been very diligent in copying expired actions already perpetrated by people who tried to stop the religious freedom of Scientologists and others in Spain,[…]

Scientologists protest to defend their Freedom of Religion and Belief in Hungary

Source: European InterReligious Forum for Religious Freedom ) Today in Budapest, several hundreds of Scientologists gathered peacefully with candles before their Church in Budapest to protest what they called an outrageous and wholesale violation of the human rights of all Scientologists in the country. Indeed, today, 50 police officers of the National Investigation Office raided[…]

Parliamentarians from 14 countries call on Russia for protecting religious minorities

Posted on 14th October 2017  Source EIFRF/FOB/FORB, October 13, 2017 Council of Europe cross-party initiative: Parliamentarians from 14 European countries call upon Russian government to put an end to religious freedom violations against minorities On Friday 13 October, 28 parliamentarians at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, coming from 14 European countries and[…]